Would you like to launch your products in Japan?

Xtrayz , Inc. offers optimum solutions for you to launch your innovative, stylish, or attractive green products into the Japanese market.

We support your sales in Japan by designing the most suitable sales strategy for your products.

We often go through branding of your product by crowdfunding at first.
Crowdfunding could be a powerful tool for bringing your product into Japan.

Crowdfunding Campaign

Consumer reaction before entering Japan

You will see how Japanese consumers will react to your product before selling it to general.
You can analyze consumer needs and preferences in advance.
In other words, you can do test marketing before entering Japanese market seriously.

 Open the business to B2B

As crowdfunding has a huge influence in Japan now, many large retailer stores in Japan such as Big Camera, Loft, and Tsutaya are watching crowdfunding for potential new products to buy.

Exhibit your product at the Tokyo Gift Show

After crowdfunding, we will exhibit the product at the Tokyo Gift Show in Japan to promote your product at the exhibition. About 200,000 visitors(buyers) will come to this exhibition and we will connect your product to retailers in Japan.

General selling on Japanese e-commerce platforms

We will sell your product on Amazon Japan, Rakuten, Mercari, Yahoo!, and others after crowdfunding as a distributor.

Why You should choose Xtrayz?

To the best of our knowledge, at present the best way for creating a good image for your product is by utilizing crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is perfect way for unreleased products. With other promotions you have to pay advertising costs. On the other hands, you can collect funds while building the critical name recognition you would need.

We Xtrayz,inc are building a management company and a fully cooperative relationship with the crowd-funding platform. That way we are already equipped with a system to advance your products in Japan.

Here are the projects we worked like a bomb recently.

If you are interested in selling your impressive products in the Japanese market, please let us know.

We look forward to introducing them to Japan.